Girl Scouts of Northern CA encourages every troop to have a well rounded Girl Scout experience. They offer a wide variety of online tools, training, meeting plans, suggestions and ideas, for troop leaders and volunteers at every level. They also have everything you need for field trips, overnight planning, and safety. It's a volunteers best friend! Learn more here. And, when in doubt, contact us to help you!
Girl Scouts is all about YOU!
Whether you are a new or existing troop, we have everything you need to be a great volunteer!
* New registered adults will automatically be added
Here are quick links to frequently requested Diamond Crest forms:
Be sure to check the GSNorCal Forms page for Council-specific forms and documents such as:
Service Unit volunteers do everything from help to place scouts in troops, to hosting Diamond Crest events. Read the job description for these roles, and access resources, training, forms and more, online here.